04 - Exploring Grid

In trajectories data mining process, there is a need frequent acess differents segments and samples of trajectories. With big volume data, those acesses can need time and processing. With this, it’s necessary to adopt effective techniques to management and handling of this data, allowed fast recovery of data.

One approach to this technique takes geographic space into account, dividing it into grids, the so-called grids, and creating a time index for the trajectories that fall into each cell of this grid. Each segment that falls into a grid is represented by a point with coordinates equal to the start time point and the end time point of the segment.

In PyMove, grids are delimited by coordinates in a cartesian plan based tracing in bound box of data. Grids are represented by objects that have those attributes:

  • lon_min_x: minimum longitude.
  • lat_min_y: minimum latitude.
  • grid_size_lat_y: grid latitude size.
  • grid_size_lon_x: grid longitude size.
  • cell_size_by_degree: cell size of Grid.


from pymove import read_csv
from pymove.core.grid import Grid

Load data

df = read_csv('geolife_sample.csv', parse_dates=['datetime'])
data = df[:1000]
lat lon datetime id
0 39.984094 116.319236 2008-10-23 05:53:05 1
1 39.984198 116.319322 2008-10-23 05:53:06 1
2 39.984224 116.319402 2008-10-23 05:53:11 1
3 39.984211 116.319389 2008-10-23 05:53:16 1
4 39.984217 116.319422 2008-10-23 05:53:21 1
... ... ... ... ...
995 40.013765 116.306468 2008-10-23 23:43:31 1
996 40.013828 116.306413 2008-10-23 23:43:36 1
997 40.013905 116.306365 2008-10-23 23:43:41 1
998 40.013992 116.306323 2008-10-23 23:43:46 1
999 40.014089 116.306264 2008-10-23 23:43:51 1

1000 rows × 4 columns

Create virtual Grid

grid = Grid(data, 15)
{'lon_min_x': 116.305468,
 'lat_min_y': 39.970511,
 'grid_size_lat_y': 341,
 'grid_size_lon_x': 266,
 'cell_size_by_degree': 0.00013533905150922183}

Create one polygon to point on grid

print(grid.create_one_polygon_to_point_on_grid(2, 1))
POLYGON ((116.3056033390515 39.97078167810302, 116.3056033390515 39.97091701715453, 116.305738678103 39.97091701715453, 116.305738678103 39.97078167810302, 116.3056033390515 39.97078167810302))

Create or update index grid feature

lat lon datetime id index_grid
0 39.984094 116.319236 2008-10-23 05:53:05 1 34541
1 39.984198 116.319322 2008-10-23 05:53:06 1 34883
2 39.984224 116.319402 2008-10-23 05:53:11 1 34883
3 39.984211 116.319389 2008-10-23 05:53:16 1 34883
4 39.984217 116.319422 2008-10-23 05:53:21 1 35224

Create all polygons to all point on grid

grid_data = grid.create_all_polygons_to_all_point_on_grid(data)
id index_grid_lat index_grid_lon polygon
0 1 100 101 POLYGON ((116.3191372442024 39.98404490515092,...
1 1 101 102 POLYGON ((116.3192725832539 39.98418024420243,...
4 1 101 103 POLYGON ((116.3194079223055 39.98418024420243,...
5 1 104 106 POLYGON ((116.31981393946 39.98458626135696, 1...
6 1 104 105 POLYGON ((116.3196786004085 39.98458626135696,...

Create all polygons on grid

VBox(children=(HTML(value=''), IntProgress(value=0, max=341)))
(341, 266)

Get point to index grid

grid.point_to_index_grid(39.984094, 116.319236)
(100.0, 101.0)

Save grid to .pkl


Read .pkl to grid

{'lon_min_x': 116.305468,
 'lat_min_y': 39.970511,
 'grid_size_lat_y': 341,
 'grid_size_lon_x': 266,
 'cell_size_by_degree': 0.00013533905150922183}

Show a grid polygons

from pymove.visualization.matplotlib import plot_grid_polygons
plot_grid_polygons(grid_data, return_fig=False)